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FORGIVENESS of SINS Text: "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9)Every epistle in the New Testament is written to believers. The First Epistle of John is no exception. In this text the Spirit of God uses the Apostle’s pen to teach the relationship between a believer’s confession of sins and his forgiveness. The people addressed in the text, as has already been noted, are the children of God. It is therefore only reasonable that God would deal with them as with sons, and not as strangers. In the event a Christian should sin, does God forgive him his sins if he does not confess his sins but remains impenitent, stiff-necked and hardheaded? With the passing of time, does the Lord cleanse him from unrighteousness, and restore him to fellowship? Note the words of the text. A Condition "If we confess our sins" --The word "if" is here used to introduce a conditional clause. The substance of the verse yet to follow is dependent upon the condition introduced by this necessary conjunction. It is as though the Apostle John had said, "on this condition." Therefore, the word "if" introduces a requirement. "If we"--The use of the personal pronoun makes the verse personal – "If we confess our sins." It is the duty of every man to confess his sins. This is not a work that can be done once for all time, but as Tertullian said, "I was born for nothing but repentance." The confession of sin is a necessary and a constant work. There is no other way by which we can know the continuing forgiveness of sins and enjoy constant cleansing. "Confess" –This word from the Latin signifies "to speak against." We must agree with what God has said regarding our sins. The reason we must confess them because they are our own; and so long as we are unwilling to acknowledge them in all their darkest hue, we remain impenitent and lack Godly sorrow. "Our sins"—Those people only are blessed whom God has taught the "exceeding sinfulness of sin." (Rom. 7:13) For example, consider a lie. A Lie A lie is most often a sin of commission. We can trace its defiling affects on the intellect, the emotions and on the volition or will. But a lie also involves the sin of omitting the truth. It is presumptuous because it is a daring act of rebellion staged in the presence of God in whose hand our breath is. Since a lie is uttered to conceal truth, so it is a "secret" sin, and by its very nature it is composed of deceit. God often punishes a person for lying by giving him over to tell yet another lie and then another. Our Confidence "He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."—The crux of this verse lies in the fact that God is faithful and just. In similar manner, the prophet Jeremiah exclaimed, "Great is Thy faithfulness!" (Lam. 3:23) It is man who does not keep faith. God is full of faith; and He is just. God here stakes His integrity upon is Being which is here expressed as "Faithful"-ness and "just"-ice. Reader, would it be just for God to close His ears to His own children who acknowledge their guilt, and who earnestly cry to Him for cleansing and for forgiveness? Could God keep faith with His own people if he refused their petitions, or denied their request? Note the verse again. "If --we confess our sins --He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." When God "cleanses" us, He "catharizes" us, or "purges" us. But what if a Christian will not confess his sins does time restore him to fellowship with God? Does the moment eventually come when God allows "bygones" to be "bygones?" Will God shake His head in disgust, but for the sake of peace or convenience cleanse us in the blood of Christ? Not in a thousand generations! The condition for forgiveness and for cleansing stands. This is the reason most Christians live out their lives, and are never right with God. __________________________ MEXICO --My son Timothy is finishing his sophomore year at Bob Jones University in Greenville, So. Carolina. He will be going to Mexico this summer to work with missionaries for 8 weeks. Anyone wishing to help him with deputation or with tuition for next fall please earmark your check "Mexico." __________________________ Text: "Give diligence to reading, to exhortation and to doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.... " (II Tim. 4:2,3) The Christian Church is facing her most formidable foe in 2000 years. It is a much greater threat than the Moslem invasion of the Dark Ages. It is more to be feared than if all the cults and heathen religions were to combine to marshal themselves against the church. The threat is the religion of the Charismatics. The great danger lies in the fact that although the religion of the Charismatics threatens the demise of Biblical Christianity and true worship, it is not perceived to be an enemy much less a threat. Therefore this warning is apt to be quickly dismissed as outlandish and absurd. Nevertheless, this writer would beg the reader with tears, and with all the earnestness he can muster --"Beware!" A New Religion The Charismatic religion is in fact a new religion. Although is sprang from Pentecostalism, it is a fateful blunder to confuse present-day Charismatics with old-time Pentecostals. The latter used to be called "holy-rollers" on account of their emphasis on personal holiness. Charismatics, however, have no tolerance for holiness, and even scorn the idea of separation from this world. Take, for example, effeminacy in men testified by long hair. Thirty years ago, the pulpits of America resounded with the words of the Apostle Paul that woman’s hair is her glory, but that even nature teaches us that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him. (I Cor. 11:14) The religion of the Charismatics spurns Bible religion. Charismatics ignore fashions such as pants and pantsuits. Thirty years ago, women were warned to shun them because they are masculine in nature, and for this reason they are abomination to the Lord, (Deut. 22:5) But those were before the days when the success of a ministry was measured by its size. A New Ritual According to the Charismatics, holiness does not lie in obedience, but rather in ritualism. Among the Charismatics none are more pious than they who close their eyes and raise their hands when they sing. It does not matter that their children are lawless, so long as they just "praise the Lord." But God does not accept our praise until we are willing to obey Him. With no regard for obedience, Charismatics are not much interested in preaching. Their chief concern is in "praising God," so their interest is in gospel sings and gospel entertainers. Nevertheless, the Apostle declares God chose that by the foolishness of preaching He would save them that believe. (I Cor. 1:21) The Secret of Its Popularity The popularity of the Charismatic religion lies in its willingness to avoid doctrine and practice. The Charismatics, in walking by sight instead of by faith, measure their success by their growth, but even cancer grows, and this cancer poses a greater threat to the health of Bible religion than all former persecutors or heretics. In order to please men, creeds have been discarded, and doctrinal preaching among Charismatics has become a taboo. It must be avoided. Pastors of Charismatic churches must not preach on the preservation of the saints because many in the congregation may not believe in the security of the believer. And, if they were to preach on the doctrine of predestination it would offend many more. The fact that God gave the Scriptures "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" is irrelevant to them. In order not to offend people, Charismatics refuse to practice church discipline. The fact that God has directed the church to purge herself of scandal is of no account to the new religionists. (See: Matt. 18:17,18; Rom. 16:17; I Cor. 5:1-13; Titus 3:10,11) Ecumenical The international Charismatic fellowship recently went to Rome for an audience with the Pope. The Pope responded by saying he was glad his children had returned home. This is the direction of the new religion. In discarding doctrinal and practical truth, the religion of the Charismatics is left without convictions. For this reason they can "fellowship" with everyone whether they are Roman Catholics or Unitarians. This is the reason God continually allows Charismatics to be duped by religious hucksters. And, this is the reason there will always be a Jim and Tammy Bakker, a Jimmy Swaggert, a Robert Tilton, an Amy Grant. Another god The Bible commands, "Serve the Lord with fear; rejoice with trembling." (Ps. 2:11) The God of the Bible is to be feared. Charismatics do not acknowledge the God of the Bible. They worship a god who is not to be feared. They want no part of old-time guilt, shame or fear. Nevertheless, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to convince men of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. Charismatics have obviously received a different spirit (I Cor. 14:11) Charismatics serve another Jesus --not Him in whom "dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." (Cor. 2:9) They do not know the Jesus of John who "fell at His feet as dead" (Rev. 1:17); or of Peter who "fell down at Jesus’ knees saying, ‘Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.’" (Lk. 5:8) They follow another gospel. They worship at another altar. Music: The Instrument of Conversion The religion of the Charismatics has infiltrated Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian and even Pentecostal churches. They have captured many congregations among independent, and Bible churches. The instrument that has been used to convert Christian Churches to the new religion is not instruments of torture, which were used by Moslems and Roman Catholics alike. Neither is it literature as has been used by the Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons. The instrument of conversion used by the Charismatics is what Martin Luther called "the second most powerful force in the universe" --it is music. The music of the Charismatics is effeminate. It is the music of permissiveness. It is the expression of people who are easily influenced whose convictions are supple and pliable. This is the reason Moody Broadcasting Station after welcoming Charismatic music to its airwaves is weakening its position on the role of women in the Church. Dr. Cole recently declared the modern church should make way for "deaconesses." This is but the prelude to accepting women preachers. Dr. Cole knows that although Phoebe was a servant (Gk. "deaconess") of the Church at Cenchrea, the New Testament does not acknowledge the role of deaconess as an office in the church. And, it will not be long before the Bible Broadcasting Network surrenders their stand before the sirenic influence of the volumes of Charismatic music it airs. Charismatic music teaches men to judge things by emotion. When men surrender themselves to be governed by their emotions they are properly called "effeminate." On account of the seductive quality of Charismatic music, I refuse to listen to it. The buttons on my car radio give my fingers more exercise than does my computer. I am fearful of falling under the spell of this mind-altering music and losing my discernment. Reader, I beg you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the cause of God and truth, turn away from the music of the Charismatics before you become one of them. FROM ACROSS THE MOUNTAINS AND SEAS Ibadan, Nigeria --"Sir, with humble and respect I write you this few lines of letter. I great you in the mighty name of our Lord Jesu Christ and I say well done in the field of gospel. And I am usen this time to pray for your forces in the field of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Chrst an I pray that in all your dealings that Jesus Christ will be your power especially in spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ all over the world. (Amen) "Sir, I am usen this my letter to ask you for help for sending me a Holy Bible, some Christian literature books, and some tract that can help me to grow more and more in spirit. And, if there are any other books that can be useful for me in my Christian life. I am a Christian who like grow and preach the Gospel to other people. And if you have prayer book you can sent me some sir. "I pray that may God of blessing you. Amen. Thanks. Yours in Christ, Emmanuel Ade. Adekolu Benin City, Nigeria-- "Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. May the sun of righteousness shine upon you all the rest days of your life. "We are a Christian public library based here in Benin and we would be very grateful to receive any kind of assistance you can offer us to enable us equip our library and also some for distribution. "We are in dare need of good Christian cassettes (video and audio), books, bibles, pamphlets, etc. We would also appreciate old books even if they are not properly bound. Yours in Jesus Christ, R.N. Victor, Word Library. Onitsha, Nigeria--"Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Jehovah our Lord is one God. Greetings to you in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. (Ps. 83:18) "We are very sorry troubling you. We implore you to please send us catons of Christian materials. We are in dare need of tracts, books, Bibles, pamphlets, audio and vidio casseettes etc. for distributions and for our library. This will enhance the Lords work here. "Your cooperation in this regard will be highly appreciated. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours in Christ, Ron. Nnamdi. April 22, 1778 --Pennsylvania. The Continental Congress proclaims a day of general public fasting and humiliation, with prayers to Almighty God to strengthen and perpetuate the union of the colonies in their houses of worship. April 22, 1790 --France. The revolutionary government of France confiscates all church property. Two selections of the l48 entries for the month of April. You need OF WHOM THE WORLD WAS NOT WORTHY --3 vol. $45.
LETTERS "I Praise the Lord for His Word and for you His messenger, Please provide 2 copies of your tract How Can You Escape The Damnation of Hell?’ --Walton Gibbs, Atlanta, Georgia "Keep up the excellent work and newsletter!" --Ron Wenzell, Bay Village, Ohio "As always, thanks for being God’s pen men. The Angelus is a welcome sight each month. We pray for you often." --Pastor Mike Tier, Merritt Island, Florida "Last meek I received a copy of God Hath Spoken. I am grateful for your thoughtfulness. I pray the Lord will continue to bless your writings." --Pastor David Parks, Tortola, British Virgin Islands |