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ASA: "HE SOUGHT ...TO THE PHYSICIANS" Text: II Chronicles 16:7-14 Judah had now enjoyed peace for 10 years (II Chron. 14:1) for King Asa "did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord as did David before him." (I Kings 15:11) Azariah, the son of Oded prophecied to the king. "The Lord is with you while ye be with Him, and if ye seek Him, He will be found of you: but if ye forsake Him. He will forsake you." (II Chron. 15:2) For a long time the people of Judah had been "without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law." (II Chron. 15:3) on account of their idolatry. God vexed the people with W adversity." City rose up against city and crime was epidemic. No man was safe. (5,6) "But when they in their trouble did turn unto the Lord God of Israel and sought Him, He was found of them." (4) HIS FATHER: ABIJAH Asa was the son of Abijah (or Abijam). Unger states, "Abijah had an unworthy reign of 3 years." {913-911 B.C.} He "walked is all the sins of his father" Rehoboam. Matthew Henry says "Abijah" means "My father Is Jehovah, but when he is held in disgrace he is called "Abijam"—-"Jah" or "Jehovah" is taken away. Abijah used religion like a politician. He married 14 wives and had 22 sons and 16 daughters. Th fact Asa was his son is evidence a wicked father may by the grace of God have an honorable son. Solomon testified, "The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will." (Prov. 21:1) THE PRICE OF PEACE Judah enjoyed the blessing of peace for gook king Asa "took away the Sodomites out of the land." (I Kings 15:12) He commanded the people to seek the Lord and to obey the law. (II Chron. 14:4) He removed the idols his father had made; and, when his mother, Maachah, made an idol in a grove, he first destroyed the idol, and burned it, and then removed her from being queen. (I Kings 15:12,13) He took away the high places and the images from all the cities of Judah. (II Chron. 14:4,5) As a result, the land enjoyed peace. "He had no war in those years because the Lord had given him rest." (6)
THE DELIVERANCE OF GOD Then one day, Zerah the Ethiopian invaded the land. He brought with him an army of one million soldiers and 300 chariots (II Chron. 14:9) "and Asa cried unto the Lord." "Lord, it is nothing with Thee to help whether with many or with them that have no power: help us, o Lord our God; for we rest on Thee, and in Thy name we go against this multitude. O Lord, Thou art our God; let not man prevail against Thee." Scripture records, "So the Lord smote the Ethiopians before Asa and before Judah; and the Ethiopians fled." (II Chron. 14:11,12) The prophet Hanani testified, "Because thou didst rely on the Lord, He delivered them into thine hand." (16:18) In the 3rd month, in the 15th year of his reign, Asa gathered together to Jerusalem all Judah and Benjamin, and the people came to him out of Simeon, Ephraim and Manasseh. Here the people entered into a covenant "to seek the Lord God of their Fathers with all their heart and with all their soul; (and) that whosoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel should be put to death whether small or great, whether man or woman." (II Chron. 15:19-13) THE ARM OF FLESH "And there was war between Asa and Baasha, king of Israel, all their days." (I Kings 15:16) In the 36th year of his reign, Baasha went up against Judah and built Ramah that he might prevent any from going out or coming in to Asa, king of Judah. (II Chron. 16:1; I Kings 15:17) Now a change came over the king: for Asa took the silver and gold out of his house and out of the house of God in order to hire Benhadad, king of Syria as his ally. {II Chron. 16:2-4) Instead of relying upon the Lord as he had done, he placed his confidence in a heathen king as though he could deliver Judah. (8) If the Lord "changeth not", then God must be very angry with Great Britain and the United States for their alliance with Joseph Stalin in order to defeat Adolph Hitler and his Nazi army. What a torrent of blood has been shed since Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Sir Winston Churchill paid Stalin by dividing up Europe! God sent Hanani the seer to Asa. "Because thou has relied on the king of Syria and not relied on the Lord thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand. Were not the Ethiopians and the Lubims a huge host with very many chariots and horsemen? Yet, because thou didst rely on the Lord He delivered them into thine hand. For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore, from henceforth thou shalt have wars." (II Chron. 16:7-9) The king became enraged with the prophet and imprisoned him. Scripture then records that "Asa oppressed some of the people the same time." (II Chron. 16:10) It is probable that these were people who tried to intercede in behalf of the man of God. ASA AND THE PHYSICIANS In the 39th year of his reign, King Asa was diseased in his feet. The king had imprisoned the servant of God, and now God imprisons the king. His disease increased until it proved fatal, "yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord but to the physicians." (II Chron. 16:12). God sometimes sends sickness or disease so that people will seek Him, yet even this disease Asa did not seek help from the Lord. It seems evident the king remained bitter and angry with the Lord, so that rebellion lay festering in his heart. It is no sin to consult with Physicians, but from the fact the Scriptures make so much of his turning to them and not to the lord, it would seem evident these physicians were conjuror of sorts. Healing arts from time immemorial have been associated with religion. It was true in Egypt an in Babylon, and is no less true today even though modern medicine is more often associated with atheism and agnosticism. Nevertheless, there are still some—-a remnant, who shine as witnesses to the truth and power of God. Asa sought to the physicians as though there was no God in Israel. His sin lay in trusting them as if they had power to heal. There is only one who can heal: Jehovah rophe, "The Lord that heals." We may consult with physicians or engage the skills of a surgeon; we may resort to the use of natural means such as herbs, or apply man-made preparations --but there is only One who can heal, and that is God. Without Him the most skillful physician is of no value. Militarily and Medically, it was evident the king of Judah had placed his confidence in the arm of flesh. It is not by the strength of wealth, or by the might of weaponry that makes a man or a nation secure. "The horse may be prepared against the day of battle, but safety is of the Lord." (Prov. 21:31) CARNAL SECURITY What a poor security is carnal security! Yet it is the very nature of Socialism to teach people to look to the state for deliverance and not to the Lord. Socialism is the attempt by man to set up society without the Lord. In theory it is supposed to result in Utopia but as it is by its very nature Christless, so "Christian" Socialism is as much an impossibility as "theistic" evolution. What wickedness has resulted since America embraced the carnal security of Socialism! It is Socialism that has made America a welfare state; and it is welfare with its death mentality that has fostered abortion, and that is working to make euthanasia acceptable. It is because Socialism is essentially a godless system that it has fostered fornication and sodomy as alternate and acceptable life styles. Socialism cannot share rule with God. For this reason there is a concerted effort to destroy all Christian influence from society. This explains why socialists are at war with our nation’s heritage, and why Americans are being prepared to accept globalistic paganism. The reason for this nation’s collision course with the just judgment of Almighty God is its lust for carnal security. THE DEATH OF ASA King Asa died in the 4lst year of his reign. (II Chron. 16:13,14) In spite of his faults, the people of Judah lay him in his bed with spices and perfumes, and bestowed great honors upon him. He might have learned: 1.) God sometimes sends afflictions in order that a person will mortify the flesh; 2.) When He does we are to seek His face and to rely upon Him instead of placing our confidence in our own carnal reasonings-- The arm of flesh will fail you Ye dare not trust your own. 3.) God will end our afflictions when He accomplishes the purposes He desires. I say Asa might have learned these things, but they are instead left for us to learn. Note again, and note it well, that all things that vie with God for our trust are evil. God alone is worthy of our confidence.
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Text: "...tribute to whom tribute is due..." (Romans 13:7b) Question #1 -- "Are we as Christians supposed to ignore political issues? If so, can we be good stewards of the responsibilities entrusted to us by God as citizens in a free society?" Question #2—- "Should Christians exercise the rights acknowledged by their government as the Apostle Paul did?" (Acts 16:37; 25:11,16) Question #3 -- Our form of government in based upon representation and not upon dictatorship. For this reason, taxation in the United States is predicated upon voluntarism and not upon intimidation and coercion. The paying of taxes is both a civil and a religious duty. The Word of God tells us to render "tribute to whom tribute is due." (Text) This writer pays his taxes, but he wrestles every day with this question: "Is it the duty of Christians to voluntarily finance homosexuality and abortion? That is, is it right to voluntarily give our money to subsidize wickedness?" "The main source of funding of the homosexual movement is the American taxpayer", writes Enrique Rueda in THE Homosexual Network. He says the Federal government "provides 18.43 percent of the funding, the state and local governments 27.20 percent. The total funding from tax sources is 45.63 percent." How much tax money has been given to fund the murder of unwanted children through Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills! I have written both my congressmen for monetary figures but as yet I have not received a reply. Knowing these facts, "Is it a good thing, and an honorable thing to pay our taxes?" The issue is not whether one goes to jail for failure to pay his or her taxes: the issue is whether or not it is right! "Are we to keep our mouths shut and do as we are told? But is this not contributing to the moral decay of our society? And does this not make us as responsible as others who in time of need simply do not want to get involved?" Christians who participate in such movements as "Operation Rescue" do not address the issue. The Ghandi-type of resistance with their "now I lay me dome to sleep" type prayers (since they do not allow imprecatory prayers as those found in the Psalms of David) only serve to salve the conscience. For, "how strong is their conviction against abortion and sodomy when they continue to support it with their tax money? --taxes they pay on a voluntary basis?" "Is this what the Apostle John meant when he wrote that the Laodicean Church was "lukewarm and neither cold nor hot" and that our Lord would "spue (them) out of His mouth?" (Rev. 3:16) The Apostle Paul wrote, "Rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil...for this cause pay ye tribute." (Rom. 13:3a, 6a) "He is the minister of God to thee for good...for this cause pay ye tribute." (Rom. 13:4a, 6a) "He is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil...for this cause pay ye tribute." (Rom. 13:4b, 6a) "For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers attending upon this very thing." (Rom. 13:6) "Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due..." (Rom. 13:7) but "Is tribute due them who have ceased to be a terror to evil doers while promoting the murder of defenseless children?" "Is it our civil and religious duty to give tribute to them who are not "the ministers of God to thee for good?" Chrysostom declared that when civil authorities take what belongs to God, namely the definition of Right and Wrong, by commanding what is sinful (such as the forced funding of sodomy and abortion), to pay such tribute is not being obedient to Caesar, but in doing the work of the Devil. |