

"He who thinks to be justified through his own works does not know what it is to be saved." --John of Wessel



Amsdorff, Nikolaus Von –(Feb. 8), (May 5)
Amsterdam --grants free asylum and full citizenship to fugitives of religious persecution, (May 1)
Amyraldism –(Jan. 8)
Amyraut, Moises (Moses Amyraldus) –(Jan. 8)
An Alarm to the Unconverted Sinner –(Nov. 17)

Anabaptists --their Principles, (Jan. 27); their Tenets, (Jan. 6); SWITZERLAND: Conrad Grebel establishes the sixteenth century movement, (Jan. 27); first Independent church formed within the movement, (Jan. 18); opposed by Zwingli and Bullinger,(Sept.17); threatened with banishment from Zurich, (Jan. 22); Michael Sattler banished from Zurich and Staufen, (Nov. 18); death of Michael Sattler, (May20); forbidden to conduct services, (Jan. 21); perpetually banished from Geneva, (March 19); the cantons of Zurich, Bern and St. Gall decree death by drowning to all, (Sept. 9). GERMANY: first Imperial edict against them in time of the Reformation, (Jan.4); fanatics capture city of Muenster, (Feb.10); NETHERLANDS: Amsterdam officials send home three thousand fanatics on way to the city of Muenster, (March 24); radicals opposed by Guy de Bres, (May 31); the beheading of Siche Freerks Snyder, (March 20); Menno Simons, (Jan.13) UNITED STATES: Philadelphia Baptists admonished to return to the Church of England, and their reply, (Sept. 26); the Warren Association founded, (Sept. 8); Virginia Baptists express fears to President George Washington liberty of conscience is inadequately provided for in the national constitution, (Aug. 8); Lott Carey and the establishment of Providence Baptist Church of Monrovia, Liberia, (July 1); Lottie Moon, (Dec. 24). The persecution of Rev. John Smith, (Feb. 13); condemned by the Reforming Synod of Massachusetts, (Sept. 10); six women condemned of witchcraft, (Sept. 9); the death of Giles Cory, (Sept. 9); banished by the Massachusetts General Court, (Nov. 13); the arrest and imprisonment of Elisha Paine, (Nov. 21); persecution of Baptists in Virginia, and their subsequent defense by Patrick Henry, (June 4); the persecution of John Clarke and Obadiah Holmes, (Aug. 20); persecution of in Pepperell, Massachusetts, (June1); See: Roger Williams
ENGLAND: Dan Taylor and the New Connection of General Baptists, (Dec. 21), opposed by Jeremy Taylor, (Aug. 14)   RUSSIA: persecution under the Czar, (Aug 23)

Analogy Of Religion Natural and Revealed To The Constitution and Course of Nature –(June 16)
"And Can It Be" –(May 21)
Anders, William –(Dec. 25)
Anderson, Christopher --of the education of children, (Jan. 20)

Andover Theological Seminary --Jedidiah Morse assists in the founding of, (June 9); opens, (Sept. 28); "The Brethren" and the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, (Sept. 28); American Temperance Society, (Sept. 28); American Tract Society, (Sept. 28);

American Home Missionary Society, (Sept. 28);
American Education Society, (Sept. 28); first religious newspaper in the United States, (Sept.28); Samuel Francis Smith pens "My Country 'Tis Of Thee," (Oct. 21)

Andrea, Jakob –(Oct. 5)
Andrewes, Lancelot –(Sept. 26)
Andros, Governor Edmund --lands at Boston and his oppressive rule, (Dec. 20); orders the Episcopal service held in a Massachusetts meeting house, (March 25); the persecution of John Wise, (April 8); dissolves the charter of Rhode Island, (Dec.20); assumes the government of Connecticut, (Oct. 31); Increase Mather of, (Dec. 20); the people of Lynn of, (Dec. 20); George Bancroft of, (Dec. 20)

"Angels From The Realms Of Glory" –(Nov. 4)
Anglican Church --of New York expresses loyalty to the king, (Oct. 8)
Angus, Joseph --draws up a declaration of evangelicalism for the British Baptist Union, (April 23)
Anjou, Duke of --aligns himself with Henry Conde for a Fifth Huguenot War, (Sept. 15)
Annals of the Poor –(May 8)
Anne of Cleves –(Aug. 28)
Annesley, Dr. Samuel –(Jan. 20)
Annesley, Susannah --(Mrs. Samuel Wesley)--Birth of, (Jan.20); Marriage of, (Jan. 20)
Anthimos II --charges Rome with innovations, (Oct. 11)
Anthony --cf. (Nov. 13)
Anthusa –(Sept.4); Libanius of, (Sept. 4)
Antinomianism --the Anne Hutchinson controversy, (Aug. 7)
Antiochus Epiphanes --sacks Jerusalem and converts the Temple into a shrine for Zeus, (Dec.15)
Anxious Bench --instituted, (Aug. 29)
Anxious Inquirer –(Oct. 1)
Apartheid policy --the Defiance Campaign and the Freedom Charter, and their opposition to, (Dec. 5)
Apocrypha Controversy –(July 11)
Apollinarists --persecution of in Turkey, (July 25)
Apollo Eight –(Dec. 25)
Apology to the Good Christians Against The Enemies of the Catholic Church, (Aug. 4)
"Apostle to Finland" –(Dec. 20)
"Apostle to the Germans" –(June 5)
"Apostle to the Norwegian Finns" –(Sept. 13)
"Apostle of Temperance of Canada" –(July 30)
Apostles' Creed –(Sept. 15)
Apraxin --wars against Protestant Prussia, (Dec. 4)
Archdale, John –(March 10)
Areopagitica --Milton opposes censorship, (Nov. 8)
Argall, Captain Samuel --captures Pocahontas, (May 6)

Arianism --Valens instructs Vandals in, and his persecution of orthodox Christianity, (Aug. 9); Arians forbidden to build new churches in Constantinople, (July 19); Julian recalls exiled Arian bishops, (Oct. 24); withstood by Athanasius, (July 11)

Aristobulus --murder of, (Apr. 1)
Arius --refused admission into the Church, (July 11)
Armadeus, Duke Victor II --(Duke of Savoy) ends amnesty for Waldensians, (Jan. 31); his persecution of, (Apr.30); forced by Huguenots and Waldensians to break his alliance with Louis XIV, (Aug. 16), cf. (June 18)


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