Text Box: Publish Monthly by 
Pilgrim’s Bible Church
Timothy Fellows Pastor
VOL. XXI No. 6

THE 1960’S:



Text: "There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answering said unto them, ‘Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish" (Luke 13:1-3).

The decade spanning 1959-1969 was characterized by civil and moral disobedience. Those who struggled for Civil Rights made use of the "Sit-in," while others who attempted to evade the military draft used the "Lock-in." But others who sought to propagate open immorality, announced the "Love-in," the "Be-in," and by March 1969, the "Sleep-in."

The moral revolution unleashed upon American society was decidedly atheistic in its religion, and communistic in its politics.

It was during the 1960’s that America and American society was overthrown. Yet, 25 years later, the coup has not been complete, but everyday its reality is made surer. How it began, and the arsenal of weapons it used is a matter of public record. Still, the Church, what the Apostle Paul pronounced to be the "pillar and ground of truth" (I Tim. 3:15b), has for the most part been unwilling to stand against the insurgents in the realm of education, of government, and even of religion.

Christians have chosen to be sharp, smooth, and debonair instead of obeying the command of God to "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3). This Laodicean Church wants no part of controversy; yet, Jesus said, "I came not to send peace, but a sword" (Matt. 10:34).

The cultural revolution effected upon America has not taken the form of the bloody cultural revolution that Mao-tse Tung foisted upon China, but it is no less real. The fact that in America the revolutionaries have cast off all moral restraints make the cultural revolution in America more immoral than that in China.


In Paris, French fashion designer Yves St. Laurent raised women’s skirts above the knee (Chronicle, 876).



In the spring, the first oral contraceptive was marketed in the United States. Margaret Sanger had urged scientists to develop "the Pill," and it was marketed at the behest of Margaret Sanger’s organization which became known as "Planned Parenthood" (Chronicle, 858; Biblical Principles, 235).

Mary Quant, British fashion designer of the maxi mini-skirt, said of The Pill, "Now this is the first real emancipation of women"

(New York Times Magazine, 62). In the same article that appeared in 1967, she said, "Gestation is so slow, so out of date. I really don’t see why it can’t be speeded up. I tackled a brilliant doctor about this. It occurred to me that instead of transplanting the male bit like you do with cows, why not transplant the male and female bit into someone who adores having babies (Ibid., 70)?


French fashion designer Andre Courreges raised women’s skirts 3 inches above the knee, but he later complained that the English exaggerated it. He said, "(The mini-skirt) is not good" (McCall’s, "Letters," 78). "Fashion observers trace the maximum mini trend to British designer Mary Quant" (Chronicle, 957).

In an article entitled, "Paris Designers Blast Short Skirts for

Women, Long Hair for Boys" (McCall’s "Letters," 78), Emmanuelle Khanh cites as the reason for the popularity of the mini-skirt "the revolt against Victorianism;" while Joseph Barry, who wrote the article, states, "In England, obviously girls raised their skirts to get away from their mothers" (Ibid., 80). Why so-called "Christian" mothers encourage their daughters to dress so? because such mothers were themselves rebellious when they were younger, and they have never repented of their sins.

Mary Quant confessed, "In England, we wear tights underneath.

This way we can sit like men" (McCall’s "Letters," 81). But a woman is not a man: neither can she ever become a man. Quant went on to say, " ...the classless society, the really free woman, began here in London" (Ibid.).

In an article about her that appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Mary Quant was asked the point of fashion: where was it all leading? She replied, "Sex" (70). Yet, the Church in this generation has not repented from her worldliness in being so willing to accept the fashion of the hour, no matter that it was seductive. Church members are allowed to remain in Christian fellowship who allow, and who very often encourage, their daughters to dress like harlots. Still there is no repentance.

In 1962, Planned Parenthood admitted it needed only to succeed in capturing the education of America. Heading the Biblical premise that "Ye cannot serve God and mammon," an all out attack was made upon religion, and upon its place in education. On June 25th, the United States Supreme Court banned official prayers in the public schools of America.



On June 17th, the United States Supreme Court banned the reading of the Lord’s Prayer, and of the Bible in the public schools of America.

Outcome Based Education first appeared in the 1960’s. It was conceived in the state of Connecticut, one time a haven for godly Puritans. Outcome Based Education was known as "Quality Based Education," and although the name has been changed, the wretched goals of "dumbing-down" education, and of brainwashing the school children of America until they conform to its atheistic agenda—are the same. Two cannot walk together except they be agreed; and America chose the way of the transgressor; therefore, Prayer and Bible reading had to be taken out of America’s public education.


On June 29th, the United States entered the conflict against communist North Vietnam. The same year, Margaret Sanger, who had founded the National Birth Control league, and which became the Planned Parenthood Federation, won "The Humanist of the Year" award. Margaret Sanger has been called, "The Mother of Sex Education" (Biblical Principles, 235).


The pantsuit emerged. The August 9th edition of Look magazine carried a most revealing article by Jo Ahernzell. It was entitled, "Pant Suits: The International Uniform" (61-63).

U.S. News and World Report for September 23, 1968 reported on the reaction to pantsuits that dominated the Paris Fashion Show in which Yves St. Laurent was said to have given up dresses in his new fashion collection: (Note: It was Yves St. Laurent who in 1959 raised the hemline on skirts above the knee. It is obvious that he hated dresses on women almost as much as some women who profess themselves to be "Christian," i.e. "Christ-like"). The article in U.S. News was entitled, "New Boon in Clothing Industry: Women Are Changing To Pants."

In recording the reactions given in interviews with business executives toward women employees’ wearing pants, "Women’s Wear Daily" was quoted by U.S. News. Macy’s of New York said, "We don’t allow it" (79). Chase Manhattan Bank of New York said, "We don’t hire women wearing pants" (Ibid.). In the same article, "Fairchild News Services" surveyed schools across the nation and concluded pantsuits would take over college campuses that year "while high schools will remain hack in the dark ages by requiring skirts" (Ibid.). ("Oh, that we were yet in such dark ages!" -Editor’s note).

Life magazine reported in their October 18, 1968 edition, "Some restaurants are still in a quandary about whether or not to permit pants.... Many conservative offices feel that pants are for men only..." (62).

The Christian Church has not yet ceased to wear the "international uniform." Christians have yet to repent of their worldliness. What a disgrace it is that 30 years ago, bankers and retailers had more Christian convictions than the smorgasbord

Christian in our own generation!


In 1967, Ronald Reagan, then Governor of California, signed into law the "Therapeutic Abortion Act" (Chronicle, 1028; Biblical Principles, 1) The law turned the state of California into an abortion mill as many took advantage of a clause allowing abortion for "mental" reasons.


On August 17th, on the farm belonging to Max Yasgur, near Bethel, New York, the Woodstock Music and Arts Fair was held. For 3 days, tens of thousands gathered to display their nudity, to flaunt their immorality, and to brazenly parade their rebellion and their drugs. They were the disciples of Timothy Leary, and Dr. Benjamin Spock. The former had been professor of psychology at Harvard, and who advocated license to use drugs such as LSD and Marijuana. Dr. Spock had preached against Biblical laws for child rearing. In reality, he formed a Fifth Column in the United States among college age young people to oppose the involvement by the United States in Vietnam.

Before the orgy at Woodstock, Americans placed a person’s moral credentials above his academic credentials. Now, 25 years later, one who belongs to this lawless, atheistic, communistic entourage sits as the President of the United States! Now, these moral derelicts of Woodstock have one of their own for President to the great disgrace of every honorable, decent American.

Among those who performed in the 1969 Rock concert at Woodstock was Jimi Hendrix who died on September 18, 1970 from a drug overdose. Two weeks later, on October 4, 1970, Janis Joplin died from a drug overdose. In April 1983, Felix Pappaiardi, of the group "Mountain," was shot and killed by his wife. Keith Moon, of the group "The Who," died of an overdose of drugs on September 7, 1978. Al "Blind-Owl" Wilson, a founder of the group "Canned Heat," died on September 3, 1970; and Bob "The Bear" Hite, also a founder of "Canned Heat," died in April 1981 of a drug-related heart attack.

Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, of "The Grateful Dead," died in May 1973. Brent Mydland, who replaced "Pigpen," died of a drug overdose in 1990. Paul Butterfield died on May 5, 1987 of a drug overdose. Richard Manuel, of "The Band," committed suicide on March 4, 1986. According to the 1994 World Almanac, suicide accounts for 1.4 percent of deaths in the general population, but among those who participated in the concert at Woodstock in 1969, the rate of suicide is now approximately 24 percent.

What a wonderful way to live! Solomon warned, "The way of the transgressor is hard" (Prov. 13:15b). Reader, do those parents give credible evidence of having repented of their sins, and of being truly converted who allow their children to attend such concerts, and who hold up such wicked sinners for their children to emulate? They may be church members, but do they give evidence they are born again, and are heaven-bound who put their daughters on "The Pill," or who allow them to dress as seductresses? "Repent," we beg of you, "and be converted that your sins may be blotted out" (Acts 3:19).


Historians will note the turning point in American history was the decade of the 60’s. It was during this decade that Americans abandoned the God of their Fathers, and plunged into sin, degradation and shame. The stage was now set for the Sexual Revolution to be complete. On July 1, 1970, abortion became legal in the state of New York; and on July 28th, thousands of homosexuals (what the Bible calls "sodomites") marched in New York, and shamelessly continued the downward course of the nation toward ruin, and to judgment.


On January 22nd, the United States Supreme Court in Roe v Wade legalized abortion (aborticide) throughout the nation. Michael Gilstrap in "Phineas Report" (published by Geneva Divinity School, May 1983), declared "Abortion is an act of religious faith. It affirms a belief in man as ultimate rather than as created in the image of God" (Biblical Principles, 3).

Repent; "Cease to do evil; learn to do well" (Isaiah 1:16,17).


Biblical Principles. Clifton Darnal, Editor-in-chief. Plymouth,  Massachusetts: Plymouth Rock Foundation, 1984.

Chronicle of 20th Century. Mount Kista, New York: Chronicle Publishing; 1987.

Life. October 18, 1968. "See Through Break Through."

Look. August 9, 1966. "Pant Suits: The International Uniform," by Jo     Ahernzell.

McCall’s. July 1965. Article by Ogden Nash.

McCall’s. October 1966. "Letters From Abroad" by Joseph Barry, "Paris Designers Blast Short Skirts for Women, Long Hair for Boys."

New York Times Magazine. March 19, 1967. "Mary Quant, United-Kinky Success Story" by Marueen Cleave.

U.S. News and World Report. September 23, 1968. "New Boon in Clothing Industry: Women Are Changing To Pants."


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QUOTE: "When we went to look up the word ‘sodomite’ and ‘sodomy’ in the Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, published by the Riverside Publishing Company, which the General Service Administration had purchased from the government we were shocked to find the words were not in this dictionary...." (Bible Believers’ Bulletin, Vol. 18; No. 5, May 1994)

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