Table of Contents




The Purpose of Marriage

     Marriage was not ordained for our pleasure: God ordained marriage that there should be Godly children in the earth. He therefore commanded Noah and his sons, "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth," (Genesis 9:1), and He has never annulled this command. Does the God of all the earth know what He is doing?

Banking and Birth Control

     Social planners around the world, armed with the hoax of over-population, have convinced millions of people to practice birth control. Therefore, instead of subduing the earth with godly children, they have submitted themselves to the cold calculations of men whose sole purpose is to control the lives of people. Nor has God yet caused the scales to fall from the eyes of Americans.

      At the heart of the problem is paper “money" with its illusion of the spiraling "cost of living." This is the natural result of an economic system that does not use a just weight and measure. Consequently, many husbands and wives have come to regard children as a financial burden instead of as "an heritage of the Lord" and "His reward." Birth control has become a billion "dollar" a year industry.

Taxation and Aborticide

     Under the banner of controlling the world's population, the United States government has been using American tax monies to fund social engineers who murder children under the lecherous excuse of promoting economic progress in the earth. Nor is this the worst: American taxpayers, quite without their knowledge, have been funding ghastly experiments on aborted babies.

       According to the Congressional Record (20946), Dr. Peter Adam and his cohorts decapitated 12 aborted children and inserted a tube into the carotid arteries to keep the severed heads alive. Such monstrous iniquity has been funded in this country and abroad by the American taxpayer.

     On September 30, 1982, an amendment was offered that would cut off federal funding of such atrocities. A total of 260 Congressmen voted to cease funding such experimentations. However, 140 monsters voted to continue them. Among the latter was Claude Pepper, the representative from Florida who pretended to be so concerned about the care of the elderly; Peter Rodino, Congressman Studds, who admitted to being a sodomite; Morris Udall, and Geraldine Ferraro. A lying spirit has seduced all who mock at the thought that God has summoned America to judgment.

     According to Webster's New World Dictionary, the term "abortion" means "The natural expulsion of the fetus prior to viability," Hence it is an act of God. The "deliberate destruction of the fetus" is defined as "aborticide." In order to make the murder of children more palatable to the American public, the deliberate destruction of the fetus has been erroneously called an "abortion" (Webster’s New World Dictionary). While some people attempt to make themselves pious in their defense of aborticide, nevertheless, when the Lord exhorted, "Suffer the little children to come unto Me" He was not speaking of aborticide.

Taxation and Sodomy

     In a newspaper editorial, syndicated columnist Walter Williams quoted the Washington Dateline stating how that the Labor Department under its CETA program (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act) gave 41,000 "dollars" to a feminist group to perform in the nude the "Leaping Lesbian Follies." In the same article, the Los Angeles (CETA was said to have given Gay Community Services 640,000 "dollars" to provide education about gay (sodomite) life styles (“Look at your W-2 Closely”).

     In his book, The Homosexual Network: Private Lives and Public Policies, Enrique Rueda declares, "The main source of funding of the homosexual movement is the American taxpayer" (McCurry, 3). He documents the fact that "The Federal government provides 18.43 percent of the funding, the state and local governments 27.20 percent ... The total funding from tax sources amounts to 45.63 percent." He goes on to say the Internal Revenue Service has helped their cause by recognizing homosexual organizations as eligible for the 501 (C) (3) tax-exempt foundation status --the same status as that acknowledged of a church.

      Christians and Christian pastors lift up their voices against such sins as aborticide and sodomy, but they continue to support it with their tax monies. Will the Almighty dismiss their involvement as one of innocence?


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